After the veritable feast of last week’s seven-minutes a pop footballing smorgasbord, it was back to the more mundane bread and butter of regular Friday night action. What looked initially like a energy sapping game of six aside morphed into a far more congested game of eight versus eight after the introduction of Yev, seemingly running on central Ural time, and two youngsters (‘having the time of their lives’, as they always say to the mascots): young Sam and Khalid. The somewhat curious decision was taken to put both teenagers onto the same side, meaning that the team wearing bibs featured two Sams (one young, one not-quite-so-young), in addition to Mick, Andy, Simon Inkpen and Geoff. I’ve missed someone out, but I’m jiggered if I can remember who.
Lining up in colours were myself, Simon Gas, Big Dave A and his brother Steve, Joe, Wing Commander Will and Ian, lurking dangerously up front in the traditional goalhanger position, (also known as the ‘Spizz role’) alongside Yev.
Perhaps unsurprisingly the fluidity and vim of two pairs of teenage legs told over the course of forty minutes, with Khalid opening the scoring after an Alan Hansen-defying pass across the back from Simon Gas was intercepted. Khalid also rifled in a second from an acute angle and smashed a third past yours truly. It wasn’t all one way traffic, however, with Yev poaching a goal following some defensive uncertainty and Ian Gooner taking a great goal which went like a tracer bullet into the bottom corner. WC Will also struck a post and Steve had a chance to score, but just failed to keep his shot down having done well to control a rising ball.
On that subject, I was the subject of some unfair criticism from Ian Gooner, who opined that my first ten touches had all ballooned up in the air. Rubbish. My first touch was a first time cushioned pass to which never left the deck. He was obviously too far away to see properly, mired as he was on the edge of the area.
Despite getting back to 3-1 and 4-2 a breakaway saw Mick steer the ball past the keeper with a first time shot which left the colours with too much to do. In terms of talking points, perhaps the main one was the ‘injury’ to Khalid’s right eye, following a challenge from Steve A. The ball was won cleanly enough, but Khalid screamed in agony and went down clutching his right eye in the manner of a latter-day King Harold. Close inspection revealed that, as suspected, the eye was a bit red, although that seemed to be more due to the fact he kept rubbing it while moaning about his vision being affected.
I think the final score was 5-3.
Little to report from a packed Old Fountain’s Head this week, aside from Andy’s generous round of whiskeys to mark his final appearance of 2011.
One final thought; Rest In Peace, Gary Speed.
Until next time…
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